Tiffanie Smith
I get it. As Moms, we all want our “me” time. Time away from the stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion that comes every day! And then we want to be alone on Mother's Day. It's our day to finally have someone else take on all the responsibility, and we just finally want some peace and quiet!!
We ask for a spa day, just “alone time” all day, “please, just take the kids so I can do whatever!” On Mother's Day, we don’t want to cook, clean, plan, bathe, feed, or think about another human because it’s what we do all day every day!
We take care of others.
When we have younger kids, we are in the trenches with sports, school, activities, play dates, sleep schedules and trying to drink enough Starbucks to survive it all. However, when we become empty nesters, like our Moms became, Mother’s Day is when she wants nothing more than to see you and her grandkids.
But let’s remember…this day doesn’t just belong to you. This is your mom’s day, too!
She’s alone so often now.
She’s done her job and you’re now doing yours, but don’t take for granted that SHE still needs YOU.
Mom wants you to be with her.
She understands that you're “busy” and it’s a probably a long way to travel. Mom's get it. However, deep down she’s wishing, hoping and praying that you give her the Mother’s Day she’s missed so much.
Remember, YOU will be HER one day. You will get your long-lived wish for a Mother’s Day alone, for “me time”, but the difference is, you won’t want it anymore. And the moment her days are cut short, you’ll wish you and your kids were there for her on those Mother’s Days when she was alone.
Guilt is strong. It remains well after she might.
You can choose another day to have your “me time” but I beg you, from the other side of the fence, from a daughter without her mother or father… I beg you to choose to be with your family on these special days, if at all possible. Teach your children what you would want them to do 20 or 30 years from now.
Remember your life now is just a stage. This too shall pass.
I get it, you’re in the trenches…go lean on your mom for that love you need. Say, “I’m sorry.” And love her like it’s the last Mother’s Day you’ll have no matter what. Life goes in an instant and you don’t get to go back and change it. Choose another day for your “me time.”
Today is still about her too. This is why I don't want to be alone on Mother's Day!
XO, Tiffanie