Flower bouquet with sewing materials inside for funeral

Having to create a speech for my mom’s funeral got me thinking about what I hope my daughter will say at my funeral. Preparing a eulogy for your parent’s funeral is one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do. But what’s harder? Actually standing up and reading it without breaking into tears. No […]

Road in the Woods - Getting out of a Rut Blog Post

When unpredictable life experiences happen, like the loss of a job or death in the family, we have two choices: react or learn. When we choose to learn from the experience, we can change our life and get out of a rut. When we react to something that happens, it’s usually never good. When we […]

How to cope with grief, the 7 stages

They just don’t get it. Unfortunately, they will never understand how to cope with grief until it happens to them. They don’t wake up on this day with that specific person front of mind. Just you are thinking about it… Loss. To some, it is just another day and life goes on. To others they […]

Every once in a while I’ll come to you with my favorite items I’ve been using lately! I get lots of questions about these so I wanted to be sure there was a great place for you to check them out! Mamas like us, definitely need to have a little guilt free shopping every few […]

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