Tiffanie Smith
Every once in a while I’ll come to you with my favorite items I’ve been using lately! I get lots of questions about these so I wanted to be sure there was a great place for you to check them out! Mamas like us, definitely need to have a little guilt free shopping every few months!!
I know it’s hard when you get to the mall or Target and you think to yourself, “oh kid 1 needs new shoes, kid 2 needs pants because he won’t stop sliding in the ground and getting knee holes! Kid 3 needs diapers and this really cute toy that wasn’t around with kid 1 or 2!” Then you already have $200 in your cart so the guilt sets in and you return that personal development book to the shelves and decide, “Nah, I don’t really need this shirt or new lipstick.” Then you walk away feeling resentful and that you always manage to do things for everyone else and there is nothing left for you. Well, I’m here to tell you that’s BS!
You deserve that shirt, lipstick, and Lord knows you need that personal development book to get out of this slump! When is the last time you actually bought yourself something?! Oh, but you don’t “work” or bring money in so you feel guilty spending it…?! Do you have any idea how much it takes to do your “job” as a mom!! You work hard 24/7 and with very little gratitude. This is your unspoken gratitude from the family and yourself. I’m definitely not saying buy everything but a little something or a massage or mani/pedi guilt free!! Yes, you better do it!
So maybe find one or two things from my top 2019 picks that you might enjoy and buy it GUILT FREE because most likely you will be a happier Mama for it! You deserve it!
Check out my entire Spring 2019 favorites below:
Well, my favorite spots to shop are Buckle, Target, Alter’d State, Nordstrom, Gap, and any fitness clothing store! We had a photoshoot this season so I grabbed a few new items that matched our spring theme and I added a few items I didn’t get just yet!
I love long necklaces. I am big chested so I like them to hit below my 39-year-old retired child feeders! I always extend the necklace out to the longest length. Buckle and Alter’d State are great for this because the necklaces are not too pricey so when I’m changing a diaper and my son sticks his foot through my necklace and yanks his foot down and breaks it… I’m not so pissed.
I really love a cute, sexy shoe! You would totally not understand me if you look at my shoe collection. It ranges from tennis shoes, grunge, fashionable, stilettos to high-end designer shoes. I’m all over the board, but I love them all! But the following are my favorite shoe staples:
My daughter asked me why I wear makeup. “You’re already pretty, Mommy!” Such a sweet girl! I told her because “I think it’s FUN!” I’m not one to constantly use or buy the same products every time. I like to try out the products and have a little fun with it! I don’t do my makeup every day… Possibly 2-3 times a month to be exact, but I do like to have some fun and good products when I actually do!
- Eyebrow kits
- Lipgloss Buxom
- Blush pallettes
There’s nothing more important than some amazing personal development books. You won’t find me often talk about fiction books. I think the last time I read a fiction book was 14 years ago after my Dad died when all I wanted to do was escape from my life and read about everybody else’s awesome fake life. Once I got hooked into personal development books, I really loved the idea of reading something I can implement in my life. I try to take 10 minutes per evening to read before I go to bed so I’m not stuck on my phone. Try it out!!
Gifts & Toys
Seems like I’m always buying a gift for some holiday, birthday, anniversary, sympathy…something! I try to buy things that are pretty unique but a lot of times I end up with gift cards as well.
- Kids Sports Illustrated Subscription
- Bakugan Toys
- Soccer Ball Return
- Alarm Clocks
- Yeti
- Fruit Infused Water Bottle
Remember you work too and you can buy a little something for yourself! GUILT FREE MAMA!