My blog is here to help you organize your days, have guilt free "me" time, talk about the everyday things Mamas have to handle, and much more. I want to share the things that work for me so that you can enjoy family times, be happy and have purpose and fun again!
There was a viral post from a teacher, I believe, floating around social media about interviewing your kids during this quarantine. I was ALL IN on day one!! “That is a great idea! I love it! I can’t wait to sit down and document all this!” I was excited to have it for them one day to look back on. However, the shit hit the fan when I became a Mom AND a HOMESCHOOOL TEACHER of 3 kids!! “What the what?!”
When unpredictable life experiences happen, like the loss of a job or death in the family, we have two choices: react or learn. When we choose to learn from the experience, we can change our life and get out of a rut. When we react to something that happens, it’s usually never good. When we […]
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